domingo, 26 de abril de 2020

Práctica 7 - Interjections

1.- Wow! The students are studying hard for their phisics examen.
2.- Hey! You eat too much when you are at home.
3.- Yes! Finally my Dad bought me the car i loved so much. 
4.- Shh! They should be silent, this is exposing our partner.
5.- Umm... I don't understand that physics and math exercises are very difficult.
6.- Wow! What a surprise to see you after so long.
7.- Grr! My head hurts when they make me too angry.
8.- Mmm... I hate when people grab my things without permission.
9.- Oh my god! I forget my english Proyect in my house.
10.- Shh! Could you shut up i am trying to watch the movie.

1 comentario:

Practica 8 - Ecosystems